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Ca Pape Pape vs Aa2000

Fecha #4 (14/04/2013)

Ca Pape Pape 2
0 Aa2000

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13.07.2013 07:21:44 | Fecha #4

Two things:1. there is a blrruy line too for those who are not civil servants but work for government, like me. 2. i chose to go silent on my blog and twitter stream mainly because i had put so much practical work off until purdah that i actually don t have time to even worry about writing a blog post, let alone do the damn thing. also because i am gutless, really. i do tend to write about my work on the blog, each post has to be cleared by press office, and i don t really want to write about anything else! there is also the nature of departments to consider, some will be more sensitive than others; indeed some managers will be more sensitive. the guidance absolutely does not demand digital silence from the public sector in a personal capacity, although it was hotly debated, but i think steph is right: it s safer. i am still pretty active on facebook behind the privacy settings, as are quite a few if my blogging/tweeting now silent colleagues, where i am more thoughtful of what i post mainly because my mum and daughter are watching! i am not tweeting but i still read twitter as much as i did before and with my blog? well, i don t feel guilty about not updating it for four weeks!this comment was originally posted on [url=]pcfjnot[/url] [link=]jissdjzjr[/link]

10.07.2013 23:34:39 | Fecha #4

Ce the8me de la peur est tellement gros et molhanneate, tellement vague, destine9 pre9cise9ment e0 faire peur, qu il n est digne que du (grand) guignol de merci pour ce rappel du concile d amour .

10.07.2013 16:34:06 | Fecha #4

L injonction papale n ayez pas peur , avec des ahicffes colle9es dans paris, est reste9e dans toutes les me9moires.votre paralle8le avec le pre9sentateur de te9le9 gicquel e9tait tout e0 fait pertinent. sarkozy agite les peurs comme un grelot (en faisant semblant de les conjurer).a propos de benoeet xvi, je me suis rappele9 aussi de mon ancien blog le chasse-clou et d une pie8ce de the9e2tre d . [url=]vtdrjsx[/url] [link=]jqysptsl[/link]

09.07.2013 06:29:36 | Fecha #4

I will be putting this dailzzng insight to good use in no time.

06.07.2013 01:48:47 | Fecha #4

My preblom was a wall until i read this, then i smashed it.

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